Club management

Marko Schier
(board member)
Culture and nature protection officer
Business graduate, building biologist IBN and permaculture designer

Ewelina Schier
(supervisory board)
Internal consulting
Social worker / social pedagogue (Bachelor), diploma Montessori pedagogue
We have founded our non-profit association "CONVENIT e.V." founded in summer 2020.
Our desire is to bring people from different population groups, cultures and ages together to make a difference together.
With our projects we specifically promote:
- Youth and elderly care
- Arts and Culture
- popular education
- nature conservation
- Helping those persecuted politically, racially or religiously
- tolerance and international understanding
- mutual appreciation

Everyone can be proud of themselves and has the opportunity to define their future to make a difference in the world.
our mission
Promote mutual understanding and appreciation.
Across groups, cultures and generations.

Unsere Vision
A festival where everyone has the opportunity to immerse themselves in the most varied of world cultures. As part of joint workshops, lectures and symposia.